Monday, 3 October 2016

Special Ceremony Elements

The Seven Jewish Blessings

From "The New Jewish Wedding" By Anita Diamant
page 289 from the book : The New Jewish Wedding,
The wedding ceremony takes place beneath a “huppah” ~ A Canopy supported by four poles. 
The liturgy is brief.  First there is an invocation, followed by
“birkat erusin” ~ the blessings of betrothal- Which include blessing and drinking from the first cup of wine.
Then comes the giving and accepting of the ring, accompanied by a brief declaration of consecration called “haray aht”.  
Next the “ketubah” is read aloud, the rabbi speaks to the couple, and additional prayers are offered.
Then there is the chanting of “sheva b’rachot”             ~ seven marriage blessings which blessing and drinking from the second cup of wine.
Finally, a glass is shattered , marking the end of the ceremony.